South Padre Island Lesson Plan

Dublin Core


South Padre Island Lesson Plan


South Padre Island (Tex. : Island)
Ballí, José Nicolás, -1829
Charles III, King of Spain, 1716-1788


The South Padre Island was first inhabited by native Karankawa Indians. In 1759 the island was granted to Nicolas Balli by King Carlos III of Spain and later passed on to his grandson Padre Jose Nicolas Balli, which is who the island is named after. The priest shared with all the residents his teachings of Christianity and soon after the island was called “La Isla Padre” and “Isla de Santiago” by the reputation Balli had for helping everyone. Since then the Island is still know as “La Isla del Padre” or the “South Padre Island” where people keep creating traditions all involving fun things that you can do at the island.


Anayanci Soto
Jyssania Gonzalez


UTRGV College of Education
Spring 2019


University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Special Collections and Archives




University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
UTRGV College of Education
Stephanie Anckle


Soto, Anayanci, and Gonzalez, Jyssania. (2019). Lesson Plan for South Padre Island. Retrieved from.








South Padre Island, Texas

Lesson Plan Item Type Metadata


NC SCOS Essential Standards and Clarifying Objectives:
§113.14. Social Studies, Grade 3, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(2) History. The student understands common characteristics of communities, past and present. The student is expected to:
(B) identify ways in which people in the local community and other communities meet their needs for government, education, communication, transportation, and recreation;

(6) Creative Communicator
Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals. Students:
(c) communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models, or simulati


Identify ways in which people in the South Padre Island meet their needs for recreation in the past with teachers help.
Identify ways in which people in the South Padre Island meet their needs for recreation in the present with 85% of teachers help.
Engage and explore ways in which people in the South Padre Island meet their needs for recreation with the guidance of the teacher.

ISTE Objective:
Students will analyze complex ideas with the use of visual technology given with 85% of teachers help.


❖ Computers
❖ Posters
❖ Markers
❖ Newspapers
❖ Fishing Rod (hands on demonstration)
❖ Small Pool
❖ Magnet Fishing Set
❖ Journals


5 days

Lesson Plan Text

What were the ways in which people in the South Padre Island met their recreational
needs in the 1900’s and the present? Students need to be able to locate and identify common recreational activities of their local communities in the past and the present. We will use this approach to activate students prior knowledge on the South Padre Island. By posing questions throughout the lesson students will have an active learning experience while the teacher will be the facilitator. This elementary lesson will be aligned to the 3rd grade social studies/history standards listed in the TEKS. We used South Padre Island newspapers that have been authenticated by UTRGV faculty. This lesson will be based on the South Padre Island which is part of the Rio Grande Valley region.

● Recreational
● Tide
● Coast
● Sail
● Scuba
● Lure

Summary :
The purpose of this lesson is to help students identify common recreational activities of
their local communities in the past and the present. They will first learn about the history of the South Padre Island and the first community established there with Priest Padre Jose Nicolas Balli with resources from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley library. Using the same resources, South Padre Island newspapers, students will read about recreational activities people took part in in the 1990’s and early 2000’s. Students will then research about recreational activities that exist today in the South Padre Island to be aware of all the places that their community has to offer. By learning about this students will be familiar with what has shaped and keeps shaping the daily lives of people in the ways they have fun.

Background :
The South Padre Island was first inhabited by native Karankawa Indians. In 1759 the
island was granted to Nicolas Balli by King Carlos 3 of Spain and later passed on to his grandson Padre Jose Nicolas Balli, which is who the island is named after. The priest shared with all the residents his teachings of Christianity and soon after the island was called “La Isla Padre” and “Isla de Santiago” by the reputation Balli had for helping everyone. Since then the Island is still know as “La Isla del Padre” or the “South Padre Island” where people keep creating traditions all involving fun things that you can do at the island.

Place- Based Pedagogy
The more meaningful something is to use the more we care about it and the more we are
going to remember it. This also happens with the way students learn which is why we are using a place-based pedagogy of education to teach them about history/social studies recreational activities. Place based-education is teaching students about any topic, in this case recreational activities while incorporating something or someplace they know about and that pertains to their community which is the South Padre Island for this lesson. When you are going to teach students of the way people in the past met their recreational needs I find it really hard for students to understand what snowboarding or skiing is or how it works when they have never been in contact with snow. However, if you ask students of the Rio Grande Valley who has gone to the beach at the South Padre Island is very likely that everybody will pick up their hand. This is because of where we are located in and how accessible it is to the public. No matter the grade level, all students will have stories about the things they have done while being at the island and that is what teachers have to take advantage of to make a lesson meaningful and successful.

This pedagogy is one of the most engaging because it gives all students the opportunity to
share what they know about the topic which is when their prior knowledge is activated since they have to think about all the times they have gone to the beach and the kind of activities they have done. Every students has the chance to be the star when they narrate their experiences to the class and while they contribute to the topic all the other students get an opportunity to acquire new knowledge about something they know and enjoy doing.

Name your lesson:
The South Padre Island
Grade level and population and subject:
This is a elementary lesson and can be taught after learning about local Native
Americans. It is aligned to the 3rd grade social studies/history standards listed in the TEKS. The population we are targeting are students residents of the Rio Grande Valley.

All the artifacts which include South Padre Island newspapers from August 1994 to
November 12 2003, are from the UTRGV library special collections. All this material has been authenticated by the UTRGV faculty.

5 Day Lesson Plan
Teacher: Anayanci Soto and Jyssania Gonzalez
Date: October 1, 2018
Subject: Social Studies
Grade Level: 3rd grade
❖ Computers
❖ Posters
❖ Markers
❖ Newspapers
❖ Fishing Rod (hands on demonstration)
❖ Small Pool
❖ Magnet Fishing Set
❖ Journals

NC SCOS Essential Standards and Clarifying Objectives:
§113.14. Social Studies, Grade 3, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(2) History. The student understands common characteristics of communities, past and present. The student is expected to:
(B) identify ways in which people in the local community and other communities
meet their needs for government, education, communication, transportation, and recreation;

(6) Creative Communicator
Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the
platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals. Students:
(c) communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of
digital objects such as visualizations, models, or simulations.
Lesson objective(s):
❖ 1.Identify ways in which people in the South Padre Island meet their needs for recreation in the past with teachers help.
❖ 2.Identify ways in which people in the South Padre Island meet their needs for recreation in the present with 85% of teachers help.
❖ 3.Engage and explore ways in which people in the South Padre Island meet their needs for recreation with the guidance of the teacher.
ISTE Objective:
1. Students will analyze complex ideas with the use of visual technology given with 85% of teachers help.

Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
❖ In order to help English Language learners the teacher will use technology and model for students.

On Monday the teacher will implement:
Objective 1: SWBAT- identify ways in which people in the South Padre Island meet their needs for
recreation in the past.
● The teacher will start the lesson by engaging students by asking them about their prior experiences
in South Padre Island.
● The teacher will ask the students:
○ Who has gone to South Padre Island?
○ When you go to South Padre Island, do you do fun activities? What fun activities do you
usually do at the beach?
● The students will talk about the activities they have done in the island.
● The teacher will then present a 2003 Newspaper, stating facts and a timeline of South Padre Island in the past. They will then read the History, and Recreational Activities section in order to give the student background information on South Padre Island.
● The teacher will read aloud the newspaper.

On Tuesday the teacher will implement:
Objective 2: SWBAT Identify ways in which people in the South Padre Island meet their needs for recreation in the present.
ISTE Objective: Students will analyze complex ideas with the use of visual technology given with 85% of
teachers help.
● The teacher will begin her lesson by asking the students to review what was talked about on Monday. The teacher will go over the newspaper once again and read the History and Recreation activities the people would do in the past in South Padre Island.
● The teacher will then continue to mention some recreation activities that still happens in the present.
● The teacher will then explain the following research activity that the students will take part in to find recreation activities at South Padre Island present day.
● The students will get in groups of four, and use the Internet with their parents permission. The students are to look up an recreation activity of their choice, and create a poster listing 3 reasons why we should visit that place, and a personal experience they've had in that place or that they've heard of. The students well then give a presentation on their posters to persuade the other students to visit that place in South Padre Island.
● The teacher will give an example of her poster:
● Example:
A fun recreation activity I like to do in South Padre Island is go to Schlitterbahn Waterpark.
1.It is a big fun park with a lot of slides, and activities.
2. You can go with your family and friends, enjoy the day, and eat there as well.
3. You can stay the night in the Schlitterbahn Hotels.
● After the students are done researching they will present their posters to the rest of the class, then all students will vote to see what activity they would like to do on Fridays field trip to the South Padre Island.
Students choices:
● Dolphin Watch
● Fishing
● Sand games
● Sports
● Look for shells
(The students final vote was Fishing)
The teacher will hand out permission slips for a class Field Trip/ Bay Fishing Trip to South Padre Island on Friday. Students must turn in their permission slips no later than Thursday. We will make sure that the boat, has all accommodations and that follows the Federal Laws of Section 504.

On Wednesday the teacher will implement:
Objective 2: SWBAT Identify ways in which people in the South Padre Island meet their needs for
recreation in the present.
● The teacher will start the lesson by reviewing the 2003 newspaper that the class went over on Monday and Tuesday.
● While reviewing Tuesdays activity, the teacher will remind students about the activity they have chosen to do on the field trip, which is Fishing.
● The teacher will have a parent with experience on fishing come in to show the students about techniques and safety procedures when fishing..
● The students will watch a video to see a visual example of how to fish.
● Video:
● The visitor well then demonstrate to the children how to use a fishing rod.
● The teacher will give the students a mini-lesson on different types of fishing. For example deep sea fishing and bay fishing.
● In Bay fishing the water is calmer, and you are in between two lands. It is not the ocean, in South Padre Island, Bay fishing is at Port Isabel.
● Deep Sea Fishing is in ocean water, the motion of the water depends on the tides of the day.
● The teacher will show the students some Guidelines of fishing in South Padre Island:
● The students will experience Bay Fishing on their field trip.
● The teacher will pass out exit tickets, and ask the students to name 3 things they learned that day.

On Thursday the teacher will implement:
Objective 2: SWBAT Identify ways in which people in the South Padre Island meet their needs for
recreation in the present.
● The teacher will begin Day 4, by reviewing with the students what they've learned during the week.
● The teacher will go over the History of South Padre Island, and the recreational events they used to do in the past.
● The teacher will then ask the students to Think, Pair, Share and write down 2 safety rules that are very important to remember when fishing.
● The teacher will demonstrate the fishing video one more time, and go over the guidelines, rules, and techniques and how to fish.
● Video:
● Guidelines:
● After they watch the video the teacher will take the class outside for a fishing activity.
● The students will put their fishing skills to practice by participating in 4 different centers of
hands-on activities.
● The students will make groups of 6.
○ 1st center: Students will be provided with a fishing rod which they will use to practice the
safety procedures of fishing by going through the motions of how to hold, and throw a
fishing rod safely without hurting others or themselves.
○ 2nd center: The students will learn how to put bait on a fishing hook, and remember that an adult must be with them at all times.
○ 3rd center: The students will practice their fishing skills by actually fishing in a small pool
with magnetic toy fishes.
○ 4th center: is the same as the third center!
(Students must have turned in permission slips for the 3rd Grade Bay Fishing Field Trip)

On Friday the teacher will implement:
Objective 3: SWBAT Engage in ways in which people in the South Padre Island meet their needs for
● The teacher will go over the rules and safety guidelines that must be followed in the Fishing Trip in
South Padre Island.
● The teacher will instruct all students about staying together or with a partner on the boat, and being supervised by a teacher or a parent volunteer at all times.
● The students will participate on the recreational activity, fishing, and implement all they’ve learn throughout the week while having fun.
● The teacher will evaluate the students engagement and their ability to following rules and fishing strategies.

On Monday:
● The students will be tested over the History of South Padre Island, recreational events, and fishing by a multiple choice test.
Multiple Choice Questions (10 questions)
1. Who established the first settlement on the island?
a. Priest Padre Jose Nicolas Balli
b. Donald Trump
c. Christopher Columbus
d. Hernan Cortes

2. What year was this land granted by King Charles IV of Spain?
a. 1804
b. 1605
c. 2018
d. 2001

3. Which is the best answer for the definition of recreational?
a. Activity done for enjoyment
b. A duty from school
c. Creating something again
d. A summer camp

4. What is the difference between deep sea fishing and bay fishing?
a. Deep sea you are underwater, bay fishing is on land
b. Deep sea fishing is in the ocean, and bay fishing is between lands
c. Bay fishing is in the ocean, and deep sea fishing is on land
d. Bay fishing is in the ocean, and deep sea fishing is between lands

5. How would you use a fishing rod?
a. You will throw it without looking around you
b. Grab a the fishing rod with both hands, and follow all safety procedures
c. Grab it with one hand
d. Answers A and C

6. What would result if you were not safe while performing a recreational activity in
the water?
a. You could have an accident
b. You will have fun
c. You will float
d. All the above

7. What is the function of lure when fishing?
a. Snack for students
b. To make the fishing rod look pretty
c. To attract the fish
d. To weight done the fishing line

8. How is horse riding related to recreational activities?
a. It is a fun activity you can do on your free time
b. Horses eat grass
c. You can take pictures when riding a horse
d. Horses can be in competitions

9. What would happen if there were no tides?
a. Fish that live around the coastal areas will die
b. The climate will get better
c. The waves will get bigger
d. All of the above

10. What is the theme in this pictures?
a. Recreational activities you can do at the beach outdoor
b. Recreational activities you can do at the mountains
c. Recreational activities to do at the beach indoor
d. Free activities to do at the beach

Google Images

South Padre Parade (August 1994 to November 12, 2003). University Library, Special
Collections and University Archives, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg,
Texas. F394.P6 S68




special collections, archives, LRGV history, borderlands, US-Mexico history special collections, archives, LRGV history, borderlands, US-Mexico history


Anayanci Soto and Jyssania Gonzalez, “South Padre Island Lesson Plan,” UTRGV Digital Exhibits, accessed March 7, 2025,