Birding Lesson Plan
Dublin Core
Birding Lesson Plan
Bird watching
Wildlife conservation
Birding sites
Migratory birds
The resolution for this lesson is for the students to understand the economic impacts tourism of the Rio Grande Valley. To gain the interest of the students, the teacher will be using the topic of birds and the things that concern them to help the students develop knowledge on economics.
The students will also be able to see how migration impacts the growth of Texas both in a positive and negative way. Because limited resources have a significant impact on the economic development of Texas, the students will also have an opportunity to see how those such resources have an impact in their hometown.
Students will be able to see what it is like to go into a store and manage the money they have been given to buy the products they wish to have. Overall, the students will be pleasantly learning about economics and the impacts that come along with it.
The students will also be able to see how migration impacts the growth of Texas both in a positive and negative way. Because limited resources have a significant impact on the economic development of Texas, the students will also have an opportunity to see how those such resources have an impact in their hometown.
Students will be able to see what it is like to go into a store and manage the money they have been given to buy the products they wish to have. Overall, the students will be pleasantly learning about economics and the impacts that come along with it.
Grade 4
Angela M. Zepeda
UTRGV College of Education
Spring 2019
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Special Collections and University Archives
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
UTRGV College of Education
Stephanie Anckle
Zepeda, Angela M. (2019). Lesson Plan for Birding. Retrieved from
Lesson Plan Item Type Metadata
§113.15. Social Studies, Grade 4, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(12) Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in Texas. The student is expected to:
(C) analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas;
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(12) Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in Texas. The student is expected to:
(C) analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas;
The students will learn about the economic activities in Texas.
The students will learn about the birds that migrate to the Rio Grande valley.
The students will learn about the foods that the birds eat.
The students will learn about the habitats that the birds create to survive.
The students will learn about the birds that migrate to the Rio Grande valley.
The students will learn about the foods that the birds eat.
The students will learn about the habitats that the birds create to survive.
-Anchor Video
-Migrating Bird Pictures
-Exit Ticket
-Migrating Bird Pictures
-Exit Ticket
5 days
Lesson Plan Text
The resolution for this lesson is for the students to understand the economic impacts of the Rio Grande Valley. To gain the interest of the students, in this lesson the teacher will be using the topic of birds and the things that concern them to help the students develop knowledge on economics. The students will also be able to see how migration impacts the growth of Texas both in a positive and negative way. Because limited resources have a significant impact on the economic development of Texas, the students will also have an opportunity to see how those such resources have an impact in their hometown. Students will be able to see what it is like to go into a store and manage the money they have been given to buy the products they wish to have. Overall, the students will be pleasantly learning about economics and the impacts that come along with it.
In this lesson, the students will be excited to talk about the economy of the Rio Grande Valley. To ensure that the students remain enthusiastic throughout the week long lesson, I will use both birds that migrate to the Rio Grande Valley and those that are native to the Rio Grande Valley as the main focal points of the lesson. By having the students look back to the topic of birds, they will unconsciously be learning about the economic development of the Rio Grande Valley at the same time. The lesson consists of great hands on activities which will keep the students engaged and ready to learn the information being provided. The lesson will flow nicely to certify the best learning outcomes for the students.
To assess the understanding and performance of the students, I will be using the rubric provided below. “Organization” this will assess the student’s ability to organize their information as well as their thoughts. “Creativity” this portion will assess how well the students are able to create things using the materials provided and how well the finishing products looks. “Application” is used to assess how well the students can apply what they learned to complete the assignment and apply it to their daily life. Lastly, “Cooperation” will assess how much the students participate in the lesson throughout the week.
5 4 3 2 1 0
Student was able to organize all research information and record it on paper.
Student was able to organize most of the research information and record it on paper.
Student was able to organize some of the research information and record it on paper.
Student struggled but was able to organize a fair amount of research information and record it on paper with help from others.
Student struggled but was still able to organize a small amount of research information and record it on paper with help from others.
Student was unable to organize research information, even with assistance from others.
Student created something original which represented unique ideas but is aesthetically pleasing.
Student created something original which represented common ideas but is aesthetically pleasing.
Student created something original which represented common ideas and is somewhat aesthetically pleasing.
Student struggled to create something original which represented similar ideas to others and is somewhat aesthetically pleasing.
Student struggled to create work, but what was created was aesthetically pleasing.
Student was unable to create anything.
Student was able to apply all the information they learned from the week and it was accurate.
Student was able to apply all the information they learned from the week, but it wasn’t always accurate.
Student was able to apply some information they learned from the week, but it wasn’t always accurate.
Student was able to apply some information they learned from the week, but it wasn’t accurate at all.
Student was not able to apply any information learned from the week but did create some work although it wasn’t related.
Student was not able to apply any information learned from the week and did not create any work.
Student was willing to fully cooperate and complete all work asked of them.
Student was willing to fully cooperate but only completed some work asked of them.
Student was willing to somewhat cooperate and complete some work asked of them.
Student was willing to somewhat cooperate but needed assistance to complete some work asked of them.
Student was not willing to fully cooperate and struggled to complete any work asked of them.
Student was not willing to fully cooperate and did not complete all work asked of them.
Teacher: Ms. Zepeda
Lesson 1: Migrating to The Rio Grande Valley
Subject / grade level: Social Studies/ 4th grade
Materials: Anchor Video, Map, Markers, Migrating Bird Pictures, Pen/Pencil, Paper, Exit Ticket
§113.15. Social Studies, Grade 4, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(12) Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in Texas. The student is expected to:
(C) analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas;
Lesson objective(s):
The students will learn about the economic activities in Texas.
The students will learn about the birds that migrate to the Rio Grande valley.
The students will learn about the foods that the birds eat.
The students will learn about the habitats that the birds create to survive.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
There will be pictures on the board dealing with the task at hand.
Video shown will contain captions.
Students who are ELL’s and SPED will be in a group with regular education students.
Expectations will be written on the board.
• The teacher will show the anchor video provided.
• After the video has finished the teacher will ask “How many of you know what a Winter Texan is?”
• The teacher will then explain how Winter Texans are related to birds in the sense that both migrate.
• The students will be given a map of North America. The students will follow along with the teacher to complete the map.
• The teacher will draw out the route that each bird takes to reach the Rio Grande Valley.
• The teacher will explain how the winter Texans bring money into the valley while they are here.
• The students will explain why they think that the Rio Grande Valley benefits from having winter Texans stay here in the winter.
• The teacher will ask the students if they have ever seen any of the birds that have been mentioned in the teaching.
• The teacher will go over and reinforce the vocabulary words that were introduced in the lesson.
• The students will fill out an exit ticket.
• The exit ticket will ask “How are winter Texans and birds alike? Why are they important?”
Teacher: Ms. Zepeda
Lesson 2: Valley Hatched
Subject / grade level: Social Studies/ 4th grade
Materials: Brown Paper Bag, Glue, Bird Cutouts, Colors, Markers, Pencil, Two Roses and A Thorn Worksheet, Bird Pictures, Fun Facts Worksheet, Foldable, Quinta Mazatlán Pictures
§113.15. Social Studies, Grade 4, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(12) Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in Texas. The student is expected to:
(C) analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas;
Lesson objective(s):
The students will learn about the economic activities in Texas.
The students will learn about the birds that migrate to the Rio Grande valley.
The students will learn about the foods that the birds eat.
The students will learn about the habitats that the birds create to survive.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
There will be pictures on the board dealing with the task at hand.
Video shown will contain captions.
Students who are ELL’s and SPED will be in a group with regular education students.
Expectations will be written on the board.
• The teacher will ask the class what type of birds they see year round.
• The students will be asked about the characteristics of the birds.
• The teacher will show the students pictures of birds that are native to the Rio Grande Valley, and allow them to guess the names.
• The students will be designing a replica of their favorite bird native to the Rio Grande Valley using popsicle sticks, glue, colors/markers, and feathers.
• Students will get some papers with fun facts about different birds, they will glue the fun facts corresponding to the bird they created on the back.
• The teacher will ask the students for their reasoning behind the bird they chose to create.
• The teacher will introduce the students to the Quinta Mazatlán Birding Center and its history.
• The students will be given a foldable and with the help of the teacher will create a timeline dealing with the Quinta Mazatlán.
• The students will be asked to go home and see how many birds they can count of a specific species.
• The students will fill out the “Two Roses and A Thorn” paper. In that paper, the students will write down a concept that they enjoyed or learned inside each rose and write down a concept they did not like or did not understand outside the thorn.
Teacher: Ms. Zepeda
Lesson 3: Eat Up
Subject / grade level: Social Studies/ 4th grade
Materials: Bird Food Samples, Paper with Priced Bird Food, Pipe Cleaners, Yarn, Cheerios, 3-2-1 Countdown Worksheet
§113.15. Social Studies, Grade 4, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(12) Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in Texas. The student is expected to:
(C) analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas;
Lesson objective(s):
The students will learn about the economic activities in Texas.
The students will learn about the birds that migrate to the Rio Grande valley.
The students will learn about the foods that the birds eat.
The students will learn about the habitats that the birds create to survive.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
There will be pictures on the board dealing with the task at hand.
Video shown will contain captions.
Students who are ELL’s and SPED will be in a group with regular education students.
Expectations will be written on the board.
• The teacher will ask the students what they believe birds eat and why they believe so.
• The teacher will ask the students how much money their family spends on food a week.
• The teacher will bring samples of the several types of foods that both birds which are from and migrate to the valley eat.
• The teacher will allow the students to see and touch the sample foods.
• The teacher will assist the students in creating a bird feeder using pipe cleaners, cheerios and yarn.
• The teacher will pass out a paper which contains different bird foods and their prices.
• Students will be asked to choose a bird food for the bird they created the day prior.
• The teacher will ask the students what they can conclude about bird food prices.
• The teacher will ask whether the students believe that buying bird food help the economy of the Rio Grande Valley.
• As a class, the students will calculate how much money they spend at the store buying daily items verses adding bird food items to their grocery list.
• Students will go over the vocabulary used during the lesson. (Merchandise, economy)
• The teacher will inform the students how buying things at stores help the economic growth in the Rio Grande Valley.
• Students will fill out the 3-2-1 Countdown Worksheet. They will write down 3 things they did not know prior to the lesson, 2 things they learned, and 1 thing they want to start doing with the knowledge they learned.
Teacher: Ms. Zepeda
Lesson 4: This Is My Home
Subject / grade level: Social Studies/ 4th grade
Materials: Book “Amelia Bedelia Is for the Birds”, Four Corners Worksheet, Deforestation Paper, Foam Cups, Cone Paper Cutouts, Store Paper,
§113.15. Social Studies, Grade 4, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(12) Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in Texas. The student is expected to:
(C) analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas;
Lesson objective(s):
The students will learn about the economic activities in Texas.
The students will learn about the birds that migrate to the Rio Grande valley.
The students will learn about the foods that the birds eat.
The students will learn about the habitats that the birds create to survive.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
There will be pictures on the board dealing with the task at hand.
Video shown will contain captions.
Students who are ELL’s and SPED will be in a group with regular education students.
Expectations will be written on the board.
• The teacher will read the book “Amelia Bedelia Is for the Birds”.
• The teacher will ask the students why they believe that the birds built their nest on the slide instead of the tree.
• Teacher will explain to the students a picture of deforestation and what it means for the bird’s habitat.
• The teacher will assist the students in creating a bird house.
• Students will be asked why they believe making bird house’s helps the economy.
• Students will be asked if they believe the birds nesting materials are limited resources.
• Students will be asked to justify their answers.
• Students will be informed that land is a limited resource because there is only a certain amount, and it cannot be grown.
• The students will be given the “Store Paper”.
• The students will be given an amount of money they are able to spend at the store, they will be asked what type of bird house they believe they can build with the money provided.
• The teacher will explain why they were able to buy what they chose.
• Students will be asked to count how many bird house’s they can spot out of school.
• Students will be reintroduced to the vocabulary words (deforestation, limited resources).
• The students will play four corners (the teacher will ask 3 multiple choice questions and the students will go to the corner of the room that they believe corresponds with the correct answer).
• The teacher will look to the “Four corners” worksheet for the questions and answers.
Teacher: Ms. Zepeda
Lesson 5: Celebrate for A Cause
Subject / grade level: Social Studies/ 4th grade
Materials: Paper Money, Snacks, YouTube Video, Exit Ticket
§113.15. Social Studies, Grade 4, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(12) Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in Texas. The student is expected to:
(C) analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas;
Lesson objective(s):
The students will learn about the economic activities in Texas.
The students will learn about the birds that migrate to the Rio Grande valley.
The students will learn about the foods that the birds eat.
The students will learn about the habitats that the birds create to survive.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
There will be pictures on the board dealing with the task at hand.
Video shown will contain captions.
Students who are ELL’s and SPED will be in a group with regular education students.
Expectations will be written on the board.
• The teacher will ask the students if they know what a birding festival is, and if they have ever been to one.
• The teacher will show the Belize Birding Festival 2018 video from YouTube.
• The teacher will set up different stations using the student’s desk.
• The students will be given paper money and will be asked to buy goods from the different stations using the money.
• Students will be asked how they decided to choose what to buy.
• Students will be asked if they have ever handled money before.
• Students will be asked if they are confident handling money in the real world and why.
• Students will be told why prices of products increase or decrease.
• Students will better understand economics because they have now experienced it firsthand.
• Students will understand how they use money in their everyday life.
• Students will fill out an exit ticket.
1. Limited resources are. (BT1)
2. Define economy. (BT1)
3. One reason that the economy is. (BT2)
4. Match the following. (BT2)
Good Economy High Prices
Bad Economy Regular Prices
5. Which is an example of what helps the economy grow in Texas. (BT3)
6. Limited resources are important because. (BT3)
7. One way to create a good economy in Texas is. (BT4)
8. Would you classify OIL as a limited resource? (BT4)
9. Predict what would happen if there is no more gas? (BT5)
10. In your opinion, do you believe that the people of the Rio Grande Valley should take care of their resources? Why or Why not? (BT6)
Plain Chachalaca Red Crowned-Parrot Buff-bellied Hummingbird Green Jay Altamira Oriole
Parish, H., & Avril, L. (2015). Amelia Bedelia is for the birds. New York: Greenwillow Books.
History. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2019, from
Brush, T. (2005). Nesting birds of a tropical frontier the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. College Station: Texas A & M University Press.
Bautch, K. A. (2004). Historic and current forage area locations and food abundance in relation to nesting sites for white-winged doves in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. LRGV QL696.C63 B28 2004a (Located at the LRGV Collection, University Library, Special Collections and University Archives, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, TX.)
GoBelizing. (2018, November 13). Belize Birding Festival 2018. Retrieved from
The resolution for this lesson is for the students to understand the economic impacts of the Rio Grande Valley. To gain the interest of the students, in this lesson the teacher will be using the topic of birds and the things that concern them to help the students develop knowledge on economics. The students will also be able to see how migration impacts the growth of Texas both in a positive and negative way. Because limited resources have a significant impact on the economic development of Texas, the students will also have an opportunity to see how those such resources have an impact in their hometown. Students will be able to see what it is like to go into a store and manage the money they have been given to buy the products they wish to have. Overall, the students will be pleasantly learning about economics and the impacts that come along with it.
In this lesson, the students will be excited to talk about the economy of the Rio Grande Valley. To ensure that the students remain enthusiastic throughout the week long lesson, I will use both birds that migrate to the Rio Grande Valley and those that are native to the Rio Grande Valley as the main focal points of the lesson. By having the students look back to the topic of birds, they will unconsciously be learning about the economic development of the Rio Grande Valley at the same time. The lesson consists of great hands on activities which will keep the students engaged and ready to learn the information being provided. The lesson will flow nicely to certify the best learning outcomes for the students.
To assess the understanding and performance of the students, I will be using the rubric provided below. “Organization” this will assess the student’s ability to organize their information as well as their thoughts. “Creativity” this portion will assess how well the students are able to create things using the materials provided and how well the finishing products looks. “Application” is used to assess how well the students can apply what they learned to complete the assignment and apply it to their daily life. Lastly, “Cooperation” will assess how much the students participate in the lesson throughout the week.
5 4 3 2 1 0
Student was able to organize all research information and record it on paper.
Student was able to organize most of the research information and record it on paper.
Student was able to organize some of the research information and record it on paper.
Student struggled but was able to organize a fair amount of research information and record it on paper with help from others.
Student struggled but was still able to organize a small amount of research information and record it on paper with help from others.
Student was unable to organize research information, even with assistance from others.
Student created something original which represented unique ideas but is aesthetically pleasing.
Student created something original which represented common ideas but is aesthetically pleasing.
Student created something original which represented common ideas and is somewhat aesthetically pleasing.
Student struggled to create something original which represented similar ideas to others and is somewhat aesthetically pleasing.
Student struggled to create work, but what was created was aesthetically pleasing.
Student was unable to create anything.
Student was able to apply all the information they learned from the week and it was accurate.
Student was able to apply all the information they learned from the week, but it wasn’t always accurate.
Student was able to apply some information they learned from the week, but it wasn’t always accurate.
Student was able to apply some information they learned from the week, but it wasn’t accurate at all.
Student was not able to apply any information learned from the week but did create some work although it wasn’t related.
Student was not able to apply any information learned from the week and did not create any work.
Student was willing to fully cooperate and complete all work asked of them.
Student was willing to fully cooperate but only completed some work asked of them.
Student was willing to somewhat cooperate and complete some work asked of them.
Student was willing to somewhat cooperate but needed assistance to complete some work asked of them.
Student was not willing to fully cooperate and struggled to complete any work asked of them.
Student was not willing to fully cooperate and did not complete all work asked of them.
Teacher: Ms. Zepeda
Lesson 1: Migrating to The Rio Grande Valley
Subject / grade level: Social Studies/ 4th grade
Materials: Anchor Video, Map, Markers, Migrating Bird Pictures, Pen/Pencil, Paper, Exit Ticket
§113.15. Social Studies, Grade 4, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(12) Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in Texas. The student is expected to:
(C) analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas;
Lesson objective(s):
The students will learn about the economic activities in Texas.
The students will learn about the birds that migrate to the Rio Grande valley.
The students will learn about the foods that the birds eat.
The students will learn about the habitats that the birds create to survive.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
There will be pictures on the board dealing with the task at hand.
Video shown will contain captions.
Students who are ELL’s and SPED will be in a group with regular education students.
Expectations will be written on the board.
• The teacher will show the anchor video provided.
• After the video has finished the teacher will ask “How many of you know what a Winter Texan is?”
• The teacher will then explain how Winter Texans are related to birds in the sense that both migrate.
• The students will be given a map of North America. The students will follow along with the teacher to complete the map.
• The teacher will draw out the route that each bird takes to reach the Rio Grande Valley.
• The teacher will explain how the winter Texans bring money into the valley while they are here.
• The students will explain why they think that the Rio Grande Valley benefits from having winter Texans stay here in the winter.
• The teacher will ask the students if they have ever seen any of the birds that have been mentioned in the teaching.
• The teacher will go over and reinforce the vocabulary words that were introduced in the lesson.
• The students will fill out an exit ticket.
• The exit ticket will ask “How are winter Texans and birds alike? Why are they important?”
Teacher: Ms. Zepeda
Lesson 2: Valley Hatched
Subject / grade level: Social Studies/ 4th grade
Materials: Brown Paper Bag, Glue, Bird Cutouts, Colors, Markers, Pencil, Two Roses and A Thorn Worksheet, Bird Pictures, Fun Facts Worksheet, Foldable, Quinta Mazatlán Pictures
§113.15. Social Studies, Grade 4, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(12) Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in Texas. The student is expected to:
(C) analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas;
Lesson objective(s):
The students will learn about the economic activities in Texas.
The students will learn about the birds that migrate to the Rio Grande valley.
The students will learn about the foods that the birds eat.
The students will learn about the habitats that the birds create to survive.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
There will be pictures on the board dealing with the task at hand.
Video shown will contain captions.
Students who are ELL’s and SPED will be in a group with regular education students.
Expectations will be written on the board.
• The teacher will ask the class what type of birds they see year round.
• The students will be asked about the characteristics of the birds.
• The teacher will show the students pictures of birds that are native to the Rio Grande Valley, and allow them to guess the names.
• The students will be designing a replica of their favorite bird native to the Rio Grande Valley using popsicle sticks, glue, colors/markers, and feathers.
• Students will get some papers with fun facts about different birds, they will glue the fun facts corresponding to the bird they created on the back.
• The teacher will ask the students for their reasoning behind the bird they chose to create.
• The teacher will introduce the students to the Quinta Mazatlán Birding Center and its history.
• The students will be given a foldable and with the help of the teacher will create a timeline dealing with the Quinta Mazatlán.
• The students will be asked to go home and see how many birds they can count of a specific species.
• The students will fill out the “Two Roses and A Thorn” paper. In that paper, the students will write down a concept that they enjoyed or learned inside each rose and write down a concept they did not like or did not understand outside the thorn.
Teacher: Ms. Zepeda
Lesson 3: Eat Up
Subject / grade level: Social Studies/ 4th grade
Materials: Bird Food Samples, Paper with Priced Bird Food, Pipe Cleaners, Yarn, Cheerios, 3-2-1 Countdown Worksheet
§113.15. Social Studies, Grade 4, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(12) Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in Texas. The student is expected to:
(C) analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas;
Lesson objective(s):
The students will learn about the economic activities in Texas.
The students will learn about the birds that migrate to the Rio Grande valley.
The students will learn about the foods that the birds eat.
The students will learn about the habitats that the birds create to survive.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
There will be pictures on the board dealing with the task at hand.
Video shown will contain captions.
Students who are ELL’s and SPED will be in a group with regular education students.
Expectations will be written on the board.
• The teacher will ask the students what they believe birds eat and why they believe so.
• The teacher will ask the students how much money their family spends on food a week.
• The teacher will bring samples of the several types of foods that both birds which are from and migrate to the valley eat.
• The teacher will allow the students to see and touch the sample foods.
• The teacher will assist the students in creating a bird feeder using pipe cleaners, cheerios and yarn.
• The teacher will pass out a paper which contains different bird foods and their prices.
• Students will be asked to choose a bird food for the bird they created the day prior.
• The teacher will ask the students what they can conclude about bird food prices.
• The teacher will ask whether the students believe that buying bird food help the economy of the Rio Grande Valley.
• As a class, the students will calculate how much money they spend at the store buying daily items verses adding bird food items to their grocery list.
• Students will go over the vocabulary used during the lesson. (Merchandise, economy)
• The teacher will inform the students how buying things at stores help the economic growth in the Rio Grande Valley.
• Students will fill out the 3-2-1 Countdown Worksheet. They will write down 3 things they did not know prior to the lesson, 2 things they learned, and 1 thing they want to start doing with the knowledge they learned.
Teacher: Ms. Zepeda
Lesson 4: This Is My Home
Subject / grade level: Social Studies/ 4th grade
Materials: Book “Amelia Bedelia Is for the Birds”, Four Corners Worksheet, Deforestation Paper, Foam Cups, Cone Paper Cutouts, Store Paper,
§113.15. Social Studies, Grade 4, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(12) Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in Texas. The student is expected to:
(C) analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas;
Lesson objective(s):
The students will learn about the economic activities in Texas.
The students will learn about the birds that migrate to the Rio Grande valley.
The students will learn about the foods that the birds eat.
The students will learn about the habitats that the birds create to survive.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
There will be pictures on the board dealing with the task at hand.
Video shown will contain captions.
Students who are ELL’s and SPED will be in a group with regular education students.
Expectations will be written on the board.
• The teacher will read the book “Amelia Bedelia Is for the Birds”.
• The teacher will ask the students why they believe that the birds built their nest on the slide instead of the tree.
• Teacher will explain to the students a picture of deforestation and what it means for the bird’s habitat.
• The teacher will assist the students in creating a bird house.
• Students will be asked why they believe making bird house’s helps the economy.
• Students will be asked if they believe the birds nesting materials are limited resources.
• Students will be asked to justify their answers.
• Students will be informed that land is a limited resource because there is only a certain amount, and it cannot be grown.
• The students will be given the “Store Paper”.
• The students will be given an amount of money they are able to spend at the store, they will be asked what type of bird house they believe they can build with the money provided.
• The teacher will explain why they were able to buy what they chose.
• Students will be asked to count how many bird house’s they can spot out of school.
• Students will be reintroduced to the vocabulary words (deforestation, limited resources).
• The students will play four corners (the teacher will ask 3 multiple choice questions and the students will go to the corner of the room that they believe corresponds with the correct answer).
• The teacher will look to the “Four corners” worksheet for the questions and answers.
Teacher: Ms. Zepeda
Lesson 5: Celebrate for A Cause
Subject / grade level: Social Studies/ 4th grade
Materials: Paper Money, Snacks, YouTube Video, Exit Ticket
§113.15. Social Studies, Grade 4, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(12) Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in Texas. The student is expected to:
(C) analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas;
Lesson objective(s):
The students will learn about the economic activities in Texas.
The students will learn about the birds that migrate to the Rio Grande valley.
The students will learn about the foods that the birds eat.
The students will learn about the habitats that the birds create to survive.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
There will be pictures on the board dealing with the task at hand.
Video shown will contain captions.
Students who are ELL’s and SPED will be in a group with regular education students.
Expectations will be written on the board.
• The teacher will ask the students if they know what a birding festival is, and if they have ever been to one.
• The teacher will show the Belize Birding Festival 2018 video from YouTube.
• The teacher will set up different stations using the student’s desk.
• The students will be given paper money and will be asked to buy goods from the different stations using the money.
• Students will be asked how they decided to choose what to buy.
• Students will be asked if they have ever handled money before.
• Students will be asked if they are confident handling money in the real world and why.
• Students will be told why prices of products increase or decrease.
• Students will better understand economics because they have now experienced it firsthand.
• Students will understand how they use money in their everyday life.
• Students will fill out an exit ticket.
1. Limited resources are. (BT1)
2. Define economy. (BT1)
3. One reason that the economy is. (BT2)
4. Match the following. (BT2)
Good Economy High Prices
Bad Economy Regular Prices
5. Which is an example of what helps the economy grow in Texas. (BT3)
6. Limited resources are important because. (BT3)
7. One way to create a good economy in Texas is. (BT4)
8. Would you classify OIL as a limited resource? (BT4)
9. Predict what would happen if there is no more gas? (BT5)
10. In your opinion, do you believe that the people of the Rio Grande Valley should take care of their resources? Why or Why not? (BT6)
Plain Chachalaca Red Crowned-Parrot Buff-bellied Hummingbird Green Jay Altamira Oriole
Parish, H., & Avril, L. (2015). Amelia Bedelia is for the birds. New York: Greenwillow Books.
History. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2019, from
Brush, T. (2005). Nesting birds of a tropical frontier the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. College Station: Texas A & M University Press.
Bautch, K. A. (2004). Historic and current forage area locations and food abundance in relation to nesting sites for white-winged doves in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. LRGV QL696.C63 B28 2004a (Located at the LRGV Collection, University Library, Special Collections and University Archives, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, TX.)
GoBelizing. (2018, November 13). Belize Birding Festival 2018. Retrieved from
Angela M. Zepeda, “Birding Lesson Plan,” UTRGV Digital Exhibits, accessed March 13, 2025,