4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Historical Accuracy |
All historical information about the onion strike appeared to be accurate and in chronological order. |
Almost all historical information about the onion strike appeared to be accurate and in chronological order. |
Most of the historical information about the onion strike was accurate and in chronological order. |
Very little of the historical information about the onion strike was accurate and/or in chronological order. |
Role |
The student point- of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were consistently in character to what side they choose to be either the for or against side. |
The students point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were often in character to what side they choose to be either the for or against side. |
The students point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were sometimes in character to what side they choose to be either the for or against side. |
The students point- of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were rarely in character to what side they choose to be either the for or against side. |
Knowledge Gained |
Can clearly explain several ways in which his character \"saw\" things differently than other characters and can clearly explain why. |
Can clearly explain several ways in which his character \"saw\" things differently than other characters. |
Can clearly explain one way in which his character \"saw\" things differently than other characters. |
Cannot explain one way in which his character \"saw\" things differently than other characters. |