After the Civil War, in 1865 a myriad amount of people remained enslaved. The reason being was due to Word of slavery end news traveled slowly, especially for those who were isolated from the Union armies- where life continued as if freedom did not…
The goal of this lesson plan is to give background information on the Karankawa tribe. These background information ranges from knowing where their territory is located, their dietary supplements, their weapons and tools, and their language and…
Tags:indigenousspecial collections, archives, LRGV history, borderlands, US-Mexico history Karankawaspecial collections, archives, LRGV history, borderlands, US-Mexico history native Americansspecial collections, archives, LRGV history, borderlands, US-Mexico history primary source
In 1966 a bitter dispute between farmworkers and owners of La Casita Farms, El Texano Ranch, and Griffen & Brand farms took place in Starr County. Farmworkers harvesting melons demanded minimum wage and improved working conditions. Their strike…
Tags:farm workersspecial collections, archives, LRGV history, borderlands, US-Mexico history laborspecial collections, archives, LRGV history, borderlands, US-Mexico history labor rightsspecial collections, archives, LRGV history, borderlands, US-Mexico history protestsspecial collections, archives, LRGV history, borderlands, US-Mexico history strike
Caption: 2. What a team!... Joey Gonzales, 10, Juan Martinez, 10, Daniel Alaniz, 10, and Hector Zapata, 12, proudly show off the medals they received for all their hard work.
Tags:httspecial collections, archives, LRGV history, borderlands, US-Mexico history yearbooks